


请听阿曼达·拉科维茨的报道, a senior mathematics instructor at the 道成肉身的大学, 分享关于ALEKS安置的简要概述, 准备和学习(PPL).


了解更多关于为什么重要的是采取ALEKS安置, 准备和学习(PPL), 以及从亚历克斯PPL uw数学安置项目中受益.


既然道成肉身的大学是可选的考试, 被正确地安排在大学水平的数学中, students not meeting the minimum requirements must take the ALEKS or be placed in a 非学分数学预科班.


Click the button below and follow the arrows to determine if you need to take the 亚历克斯PPL.


The purpose of this Mathematics placement guideline is to place students in their proper mathematics course in accordance with Mathematics requirement of the student's degree program. 按照给出的顺序进行指导.

大学的成功始于适当的课程安排. With a unique combination of adaptive assessment and personalized learning, 亚历克斯PPL will accurately measure your math foundation and will create a personalized learning module for you to review and refresh your math knowledge. 这可以让你被正确地放置在正确的路线上, 加快你完成学位的进程.

The 亚历克斯PPL is now available to students entering UIW during the Fall 2024 term. 安置评估必须在8月6日前完成. 2024年9月9日晚11点59分.m. CDT.



亚历克斯PPL is an online, adaptive system that covers a broad spectrum of mathematics topics. The length of the Placement Assessment will vary but can be up to 30 questions. You will see some, but not all, of the math you have learned in high school. It is a Placement Assessment, not a preview of math courses at the 道成肉身的大学. It is designed to identify if you are prepared for a particular course. 在你完成第一次学业评估之后, you will have the opportunity to review and master additional topics to reassess and improve your placement.

  • It is up to 30 questions, 60-90 minute assessment, but you have up to 2.5个小时完成. You cannot save and come back to the test, you must complete it in one sitting.
  • 这些问题必须按顺序解决. Once you have answered a question, you cannot go back and change it.


After completing the Placement Assessment, you will see your score. 然后你就可以看到你被分到哪个班了, 查看截分信息, and the number of times that the Placement Assessment can be retaken. If you score in the 0-45 range, ALEKS will tell you that you need to work within your prep modules. 我们强烈鼓励你这样做, 然而,你将能够注册数学0320, 中级代数, 无论得分如何, 使用准备模块会让你准备得更好.

亚历克斯PPL -得分46或更高

After participating in the ALEKS Prep and Learning modules and earning a score of 46 or greater on one of the five ALEKS remotely proctored assessment, 你将直接进入核心数学课, 数学1304, 2303, 1306, or 1308.

亚历克斯PPL - 45分或以下

安置:数学0320, 中级代数: This class is an opportunity to refresh algebraic and reasoning ideas that include pre-requisite topics for your UIW core math class. Although this class will count towards you GPA, it will not count as a credit toward your degree.


  1. 不允许外部援助. Outside assistance includes getting help from others and from other materials. Other individuals are not to be in the room while you are taking the test.
  2. Your computer’s webcam and the lockdown browser will be used as your personal proctor. 网络摄像头镜头不得遮盖或以其他方式遮挡. 它必须随时显示你的脸.
    1. If the webcam is built into the screen, avoid making screen adjustments after the exam starts. 一个常见的错误是将屏幕向后推, 结果只记录了脸的上半部分.
    2. 考试时不要躺在沙发上或床上. There is a greater chance you'll move out of the video frame or change your relative position to the webcam.
    3. 不要在暗室里考试. If the details of your face don't show clearly during the webcam check, 自动视频分析更有可能把你标记为失踪.
    4. Avoid backlighting situations, such as sitting with your back to a window. The general rule is to have light in front of your face, not behind your head.
    5. 为考试选择一个没有干扰的环境. Televisions and other people in the room can draw your attention away from the screen. Other people that come into view of the webcam may also trigger flags by the automated system.
  3. 不允许使用外带计算器. A calculator icon will appear on the screen when it is allowed to be used. Blank paper and a pen/pencil are allowed for you to work out problems, however. 不允许使用手机或其他电子设备.

The 道成肉身的大学 takes academic integrity very seriously and investigates all allegations of academic dishonesty. If you are found to be in violation of the academic integrity policy, 你冒着考试成绩作废的风险.


For technical support assistance, you may call ALEKS technical support at (800) 258-2374. 


If you have questions about your placement assessment scores and the courses you should take for your degree program, 联系你专业的学术顾问.


You will need 3 hours of learning modules and 48 hours of time completed between each assessment.

It is highly encouraged to retake the assessment at least one other time. 你最多有五次机会参加分班评估. Before retaking the assessment however, you will need to practice your learning modules. 第一次访问你的模块, you will need to log back into your ALEKS account as if you are going to take the test again. After you log in, select START MY PATH from the Primary Guidance Menu to start your module work. Please note you will only be able to choose one of the offered paths. 一旦你选择了一个,你将无法改变它. In order to take the assessment again you must have at least 3 hours of modules completed. There is a cool off period of 48 hours before you can access your next attempt. Keep in mind, the last day to take a placement assessment for Fall 2024 is on Aug. 2024年9月9日晚11点59分.m. CDT. Therefore, you would have needed to complete your previous placement assessment 48 hours before.


道成肉身的大学 awards credit based upon the concept that learning may be acquired from different sources of knowledge. 按此查阅有关考试学分的更多资料(pdf).